Monday 23 August 2010


Wow!! Me and Phin Phin has became the front cover of the bridal album, which use to promote bridal shooting at Taiwan.. Knew it few weeks back, just that I'm worried to snap photo inside the studio, scared they caught me.. Haha!! But yesterday, I have took it secretly.. I'm glad that we been picked as their cover.. And here is it!!

Thursday 19 August 2010






Tuesday 17 August 2010


Well, it's a special day for me and Phin Phin on 7/8/2010, and great that we managed to get this date for our ROM.. Actually is easier for Phin Phin to remember our special day throughout a year.. Every special day fall on 7th, so every month, I have a celebration and a surprise from Phin Phin..

Once I signed on the certificate, I know my dream and wishes have come true, but just half way.. Another half of my wishes will be sit at home become "Xiu Lai Lai".. This wishes may take few more years to achieve.. Haha!!

Red Rose Hand Bouquet

And now we are bonded legally, just wait for the Chinese wedding ceremony on 2/10/2010.. Can't wait for it!!

Monday 16 August 2010

Food Tasting @ Federal Hotel

August 13th, 2010 (Friday).. A day for us to eat for FREE, actually it's my complementary Food Tasting at Federal Hotel.. Our coordinator Charmayne, has reserved a meeting room for our food tasting..

When we reached Federal Hotel, we saw our name written on the info board, although is just a normal food tasting, but they do it well and guide us to the venue at Level 2, Penang Suites..

Info Board

The menu card designed just like the actual wedding dinner, written our name and the lovely wedding couple icon.. But the most I like which they do provide the menu is both Chinese and English, so my mum can easily read through the menu..

Menu Card

Penang Suite @ Level 2, Federal Hotel
(My family members, total 10 adults and 2 children)

As normal, the first dish served will be the four combination.. The supervisor do gave us a comments board, which let us to write down all the comments of all the dishes, myself and my family tried each dish carefully and taste it like an expert.. How professional we are!! :)

Four Happiness Combination with Lobster

Shark's Fin Soup with Fresh, Dried Scallop & Crabmeat

Roasted Chicken with Sweet Vinegar

Steamed Red Garoupa with Orange Skin & Ginger

Fried Fresh Water Prawns with Thick Soya Sauce

Braisedd Snow Abalone, Black Mushroom with Broccoli

Lotus Leaf Rice

Doubles Boiled Lotus Seeds & Lily Flowers

Sweet Fancy Dumplings
(Mix with Hot & Cold)

Phew!! After all-and-all, and finally we have tried all the dishes, overall was okay.. Just my mum a bit picky of the taste, but we all felt that it's yummy and delicious.. Hope all the dishes will be the same during the actual dinner..

Days remaining: 47

Tuesday 3 August 2010


Days remaining for my wedding actual day: 59

It's rush to settle down all the thing before wedding, but it seems to be so hard to do it.. Lot of things are in pending status, many things need to prepare, buy and order.. Myself and Phin Phin's wallets are bleeding so badly.. Don't know when we can get back to normal.. Haihz~

Hope all things are well prepared before my actual day..

I need MONEY!!