Saturday, 27 February 2010

My Big Day

Me and Phin Phin has set our big day on 2.10.2010 (Saturday), and Chinese Lunar Date will be 八月二十五.. Tea ceremony and wedding dinner will be at the same day, even tired also one day..

Wedding dinner location already booked, and will be held at The Federal Hotel, KL, it's convenience for all.. Just afraid Saturday night will be quite jam in front of the hotel.. Actually the date we chose was quite good for marriage, and because of this issue, we are so hard to find a restaurant, so it has forced us to look for hotel.. But it's also a right decision we chose to have in hotel.. Hotel do give us a free room, so on the actual day, Phin Phin can use this hotel room for tea ceremony..

Now it's time to do some preparation for my big day.. The first thing is to keep fit, as I want to take my wedding photo in April or May.. So have to work hard in fitness and eat less.. Next will be think of my wedding theme, wedding car, wedding souvenir, and wedding's stuffs.. So many things need to prepare, and all these things need money.. So, do it step by step before the actual day..

Waiting for the day to come............

p/s: 我的愿望是希望自己可以在中五后结婚,可是现在已经迟了八年,但是没关系,我现在要嫁咯,我终于嫁得出啦!嘻嘻!


  1. 中五就想嫁人。。。很快咯。。现在也不迟啦。。你还年轻

  2. 我的梦想是做一个家庭主妇!

  3. wah. congratulation. am I invited anot sin??? hahahaha

  4. need keep on mention your "small" time ambitious la... >.<

    Happy Chap Goh Mei to you ya ^^
