Sunday 24 January 2010

Say NO to Plastic Bag

Now there are lots of shops started not to provide any plastic bag for shoppers.. If we really need a plastic bag, we can buy it for 20 cents each.. Me and Phin Phin always support not to use plastic bag, as we do have a lot of recycle bag and do safe our earth.. In others countries, they already start work on this, just wonder why our country until now only started..

Yesterday me and Phin Phin went to MaxValu, and Jusco do have a "No Plastic Bag Day" on every Saturday.. Where we saw all the shoppers just carry their things without plastic bag.. I think they will slowly changed and not to provide plastic bag anymore in future.. But suddenly changed, sure lots of people will not use to it.. And now I think I need to bring along my recycle bag when going out..

Haha~~ Phin Phin is carrying his watermelon without plastic bag..

Celebrity Fitness

Yeah~ I've joined Celebrity Fitness as their club member at Lot 10, so excited.. Is one of the thing that I want the most in year 2010.. I want to slim down my body, just want to look like past 4 years, want to look nice.. Hope gym really work and do help me..

In order to have the best result in short period, I have asked Vincent to joined me for Gym, he's ex-fitness first personal trainer.. So he know well of all the fitness machine and he will guide me on how to do it correctly and force me for doing exercise..

I went gym for 7 times so far, and each time there is slightly improve, which I think is improve.. At least I wont stop working out in 3 minutes, and slowly trained myself to do more for every gym section.. From 5 minutes to 15 minutes, now going for 30 minutes and soon for 45 minutes.. And I wished to join those classes provided, but seems the timetable not suit my time, will try to do some adjustment for my timetable, so I'm able to join..

Upon signing up, they do free me Gym Bag, 2 sections of personal training and 1 Dr. Sebagh Facial Voucher worth RM219.. And now there is 6 vouchers with me, but no one want this voucher.. So I just keep it.. (If anyone want this vouchers, do ask me for it!! Voucher Expired Date: 31/1/2010)

p/s: Is it possible to lose 10kg in 6 months? Hopefully YES!!

Friday 8 January 2010



发生于2007年冬至当天,这一天是我和文威从槟城回吉隆坡的一天。当天下午,我和文威去到槟城Prai的Carrefour。我们下午大概12点左右就到了那儿,把东西交代完了,我们便去Food Court吃午餐,忘记什么事情发生了,我把我的手机留在食物盘上,当时也没发觉忘记拿。在回吉隆坡途中(当时的位置是在怡保),彬彬突然打给我的016号码,问我为什么012的电话没接,我就拼命在车上找,结果找不到,过后我想起原来留在Food Court了。心开始慌了,怎么办?那只手机我从英国带回来的,很有价值。

过后文威马上拨电话给在Carrefour Prai做工的Promoter, 叫她帮忙找。都过了正1个半小时,我们俩都觉得找回的机会很微,当我沮丧的那一刻,奇迹出现了,Promoter打回来,说找回我的手机了。当场心情平稳了下来,我也告诉我自己不可以那么没记性了。


发生于2009年12月9日,这一天是我去Menara Maxis装饰圣诞树的一天,也是公司交Invoice的一天。我和同事,一共3人到KLCC装饰。由于我们的箱子很大,没办法从外面的大门进去,就直接用了Loading Bay那里的升降机直上16楼。回的时候也当然要用回同一部升降机,但是我可以死蠢到忘了拿我的Invoice Copy回公司。回到公司才发现不见了,当时很紧张,毕竟是公司的文件,左想右想都想不到放去那里了。突然,同事大喊:“你把文件留在Loading Bay升降机旁边的垃圾桶上面”。我的妈啊!怎么那里不放,就放在那里。我是不是超级笨蛋!



发生于2010年1月7日,也就是今天,今天是我在Mid Valley Roadshow做工的第二天,终于带了爸爸的手提电脑去上班,因为很闷没东西做,所以带电脑去解闷。每一场show的晚上都要把东西收拾完才可以回家。首先我把电脑给收了起来,放在桌子的下面,以免被偷,然后就开始我的收拾工作。我记得叫Dealer's Staff带他们的东西回去,而我自己却忘了最重要的手提电脑。10点10分,我离开Mid Valley,突然阿仔打电话来,说要我回去,他要安装Sound System。还好外面塞车,我可以很快地回到Mid Valley。这是一个好机会我可以把电脑给拿回去,可是我真的没发觉到我的电脑留在那里了。差不多11点,阿仔把东西都弄好了,我便开车回家。回到家的那一刹那,我才发现我今天是有带电脑去做工的。心开始慌了起来,二话不说,就往Mid Valley的方向开车去了。

真的很怕那里的看管人员拿了我的电脑。到了Mid Valley,我就一只箭的飙进去,还好我到的时候,电脑还在桌子底下。当我拿到电脑时,真的很想哭出来。如果不见了,很难跟爸爸交待。还好奇迹又出现了。


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