Monday 19 April 2010






大老板,大老板娘 (夫妻)
小老板娘 (生意伙伴)
罪人 (小老板娘的弟弟)- 整天疯疯癫癫,不正经
黄马褂 (大老板娘的妹妹)
擦鞋仔 (室内设计师) - 最爱拍马屁

在这件间公司做了两年多,已经厌倦的这样的生活方式,每天上班都要带着假面具。可能我社会经验不够多,所以我一直觉得为什么我的同事要这样?出卖或指责对他们有什么好处?公司又不是什么大规模,根本不需要踩着别人的头上位。唉~ 小女人的想法就是这样!辞职都有整一个月了,真的超白痴,要等三个月通知,我恨不得立刻走,可是不可以。

倒数离开公司: 49天


Jobless Girl said...

吊, haha familiar word. Great and it good that you decide your next move.

uLi.佑莉 said...

Sabar la....calm down gal~

Anonymous said...

This article is to review the company last month in my idiot what happened, but also indirectly linked to the present!

"Hanging" the word, that is, we often use "DIU", is used to curse or vent when a "word." The word went with my entire March. Why? Really long story, because. . . . . .

In March, I have been in the "hanging", that is, the meaning of the curse. This is because I received a be downright madame activities caused customers to pressure her, and she put the pressure on her to pass that we do little. Customer changed changed again, we almost have to change to Fadian. When changes are made, she has been called noisy you bother you. This may be concentrated there to do things? Sometimes the little mistakes, as much on things around curse. Got the same company as Lau Pa Sat, so to avoid the bombing of her chain of sound, only the evening before they start work. Be home late every day, even mom and dad are very difficult to see the side.

More and more hate my big boss wife, last Monday, which is April 12. Never forget! The company opened an internal meeting, this meeting, I do not know in the end is to review or criticize. The two hours, I think I like watching opera. You say, I say you, we chide each other. The results, unexpected outcomes, even all the mistakes, the dark in a person's body to him as a sinner. This person has quietly by all the accusations. Why? I do not know. The most ridiculous is that the sinner is my little brother, madame, and as her sister, did not say a word, let the big boss wife scolded. At the meeting where there is a yellow jacket, a shoe-shine boys, two on the performance of intense, big boss wife accused of helping the so-called sinner. In the end this is not a movie? I have mixed intersection, stirring broken mind. How to gourd in the end they do not know what the sell.

Figure is a bit complicated, so in this simplified: -
The big boss, big boss wife (husband)
Little madame (business partner)
Sinners (small female boss's brother) - all crazy, not serious
Yellow jacket (big boss wife's sister)
Shoe (Interior Design) - Favorite flattery

In this company has done more than two years of life are tired of this, go to work every day to be with a mask. I might have enough social experience, so I always wonder why my colleagues do it? Accused of selling or what their benefits? What companies are not large, did not need stepping on someone else's head position. Ah, the idea is such a small woman! Resignation have the whole month, and really super-idiot, we have to wait three months notice, I can not wait to go immediately, but can not.

Last to leave the company: 49 days
finally u are free from the horrible place kah ? good for you ! gambanteh !

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